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Impermeable 600 mm . Solapa interior antitormenta con protección para barbilla. Cremallera delantera central metálica contrastada. Bolsillos con cremallera. Cintura ajustada cónica un corte mas atractivo. Junta elástica. Tiradores de cremallera de agarre fácil. cinta para colgar en color contrastado. Etiqueta principal en transfer.







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- Genero
- Female
- Cantidad por envase
- 14
- Material
- 290T woven with water resistant coating and water repellent finish 100% Poliéster%60 g/m2%Padding/filling%fake down insulation 100% Poliéster
290T woven with water resistant coating and water repellent finish 100% Poliéster%60 g/m2%Padding/filling%fake down insulation 100% Poliéster
290T woven with water resistant coating and water repellent finish 100% Poliéster%60 g/m2%Padding/filling%fake down insulation 100% Poliéster
Padding/filling%290T woven with water resistant coating and water repellent finish 100% Poliéster%60 g/m2%fake down insulation 100% Poliéster
Padding/filling%290T woven with water resistant coating and water repellent finish 100% Poliéster%60 g/m2%fake down insulation 100% Poliéster - CountryOfOrigin
- China
1 Artículo